Song Information
Song Title
Song Origin
Written By
Made Famous By
Dr. John
Song Stats
Shortest Version
07:03 (2024-04-26)
Longest Version
07:03 (2024-04-26)
Total Times Played
Longest Gap
Longest Streak
Song Charts
Shows with Stack-A-Lee
  • Republic NOLA - New Orleans, Louisiana 2024-04-26
    Set One
    Lady Justice, Hi-Country, My Blue Heaven (FTP) 1, Soul Island 1, Cabbage Alley (FTP) 1 2, Ten Feet Of Rope > 3, Double Exposure 4, Boogie Man > , Double Exposure (Reprise)
    Set Two
    Darlin’ Cory > , Arkansas Traveler, Sittin' On Top Of World 5, Big Iron > , Ghost Riders In The Sky (Instrumental), Got My Mojo Workin' 6, Down Bedford, Gotta Get Southbound > , Freedom Jazz Dance, Little Liza Jane 3 7, Stack-A-Lee 7, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah 7

Stack-a-Lee shot Billy Lyons

He shot that boy so fast

The bullet went through Billy

It broke the bartender's glass

Stack-a-Lee went around the corner

Where they shot Stack in his side

Stack-a-Lee went stumbling

In his mother door

He said, "Mother, oh, mother

Won't you turn me over slow?

I've been jabbed in my left side

With a police .44"

When all the ladies heard that Stack

Oh, Stack-a-Lee was dead

Some come dressed in orange colors

Some came dressed in red, oh, play it for him now

Stack-a Lee went to the Devil

To identify poor Billy's soul

But the poor boy, he was absent

He had went down to shove coal

Now the Devil heard a rumbling

A mighty rumbling under the ground

He said, "That must be Mr. Stack pointing Billy


Now it seems that old Devil

On top of his Devil chair

He said, "If you want Mr. Stack, boy

Then get him by yourself," yes

Now I told y'all my little story

And sang y'all my little song

'Bout Stack-a-Lee and Billy Lyons

They both dead and gone