Little Liza Jane
Song Information
Song Title
Little Liza Jane
Song Origin
Written By
Made Famous By
Dr. John
Song Stats
Shortest Version
06:32 (2024-04-26)
Longest Version
06:32 (2024-04-26)
Total Times Played
Longest Gap
Longest Streak
Song Charts
Shows with Little Liza Jane
  • Republic NOLA - New Orleans, Louisiana 2024-04-26
    Set One
    Lady Justice, Hi-Country, My Blue Heaven (FTP) 1, Soul Island 1, Cabbage Alley (FTP) 1 2, Ten Feet Of Rope > 3, Double Exposure 4, Boogie Man > , Double Exposure (Reprise)
    Set Two
    Darlin’ Cory > , Arkansas Traveler, Sittin' On Top Of World 5, Big Iron > , Ghost Riders In The Sky (Instrumental), Got My Mojo Workin' 6, Down Bedford, Gotta Get Southbound > , Freedom Jazz Dance, Little Liza Jane 3 7, Stack-A-Lee 7, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah 7

I've got a friend in Baltimore, little Liza Jane

Streetcars running by her door, little Liza Jane

Oh little Liza, little Liza Jane

Oh little Liza, little Liza Jane

I've got a friend in San Antone, little Liza Jane

Tumbleweeds and cactus grow, little Liza Jane

I've got a friend in Providence, little Liza Jane

Bluebird sitting on the fence, little Liza Jane

I've got a friend in Chicago, little Liza Jane

Walk and feel the cold winds blow, little Liza Jane

I've got a friend in Sioux falls, little Liza Jane

Where sunflowers grow so tall, little Liza Jane

I've got a friend in Cape Cod, little Liza Jane

Bullfrogs singing in the pond, little Liza Jane

I've got a friend in Tokyo, little Liza Jane

Springtime ume blossoms grow, little Liza Jane