After Midnight
Song Information
Song Title
After Midnight
Song Origin
Written By
J. J. Cale
Made Famous By
Jerry Garcia
Song Stats
Shortest Version
11:25 (2023-12-10)
Longest Version
11:25 (2023-12-10)
Total Times Played
Longest Gap
Longest Streak
Song Charts
Shows with After Midnight
  • Beer City Music Hall - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2023-12-10
    Set One
    Better Deal Blues, Forgotten Days > , Valhalla, Free Wheelin' > 1, Everybody's Talkin' > , Weathervane > , Blue Skies > , Weathervane (Reprise) , Half Moon Night, My Window Faces The South, Darlin’ Cory
    After Midnight (FTP) 2

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to chug-a-lug and shout

We're going to stimulate some action

We're going to get some satisfaction

We're going to find out what it is all about

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to shake your tambourine

After midnight, it's all going to be peaches and cream

We're going to cause talk and suspicion

We're going to give an exhibition

We're going to find out what it is all about

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to shake your tambourine

After midnight, it's all going to be peaches and cream

We're going to because talk and suspicion

We're going to give an exhibition

We're going to find out what it is all about

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight